Update 10/3/11: WikiLeaks releases cover corporate influence on policy, Manning supporters continue their creativity

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New WikiLeaks stories continue the trend of shedding light on big corporate influence on our politics.

The Atlantic Wire writes of how some cables reveal that Big Pharma influences foreign policy. Anyone connected to environmental issues may remember the famous lawsuit against Chevron in Ecuador.

According to the website of Chevron Toxico: The Campaign for Justice in Equador:

In February 2011, Chevron was found liable for $8.6 billion in environmental cleanup costs in a historic class-action lawsuit in the Ecuadorian Amazon, the roots of which date back over 40 years to Texaco’s oil operations in the region. The suit alleges, in essence, that Texaco (now owned by Chevron), which produced oil in Ecuador from 1964 to 1990, caused the largest oil-related environmental catastrophe in the world. Overwhelming scientific evidence gathered at trial, much of it by Chevron’s own scientists, demonstrates that the region’s soil and water are contaminated with toxic chemicals due to Texaco’s completely inadequate waste management practices, implemented to save money and with the expectation that the company would never be taken to task for them. Now, plaintiffs seek compensation from Chevron for the devastation of their environment, and a legacy of pervasive health problems including cancer and birth defects.

However, Chevron has continually refused to pay for damages. Some excerpts from the U.S. Diplomatic Cables that Bradley Manning is alleged to release help shed insight as to why: Link.

You can find the full rundown of new stories here.

A funny video has emerged of the “WikiLeaks truck,” driven by a Bradley Manning supporter, being stopped and searched nearby the Occupy Wall Street protest.

Supporters of Bradley Manning continue to take create action to spread the word. Here is a song written and performed by one of our supporters for our recent Fundraising Dinner Parties:

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