Update 4/11/12: Welsh tour to raise awareness, liberal support for Bradley Manning, another whistleblower indicted

Welsh group Wise Up for Bradley Manning embarks on April tour. Leading up to Bradley’s next court date, April 24-26 at Fort Meade, the Welsh groups will accompany the new play, the Radicalisation of Bradley Manning, as it plays at schools throughout Wales. Wise Up aims to spark discussions about Bradley and raise awareness of his case:

“We want people to join in with the series of events in Pembrokeshire, Cardiff and North East Wales in pursuit of an urgent conversation about justice, about peace, about truth, about our future, and about why we need to pay attention to the case of Bradley Manning.”

The play starts tomorrow, April 12, and runs through his court dates to April 28. (Read more…)

Charles Davis asks why the left isn’t rallying around Bradley Manning. Substituting for Glenn Greenwald at his Salon blog, Davis suggests liberals would support Bradley in much greater numbers and with far more tenacity under President Bush than they have under Obama. He says the left is far too willing to accept Obama’s unlawfully influencing claim that Bradley “broke the law.” This is because, Davis writes,

What [Bradley] did was fundamentally radical, not reformist. He didn’t settle for working within a system explicitly designed to thwart the exposure of wrongdoing, through a chain of command that callously ignores concern for non-American life. Having access to evidence of grotesque crimes no one around him seemed to care about, he engaged in direct action, exposing them for the benefit of the world and those paying for them, the U.S. taxpayer.

There’s time yet for more liberals to come out in support of Bradley. As the government continues to deny his defense basic evidence and key witnesses, people begin to see that Bradley is not getting a fair trial. We need to continue spreading the message that Bradley shouldn’t be on trial in the first place. For those who’ve yet to come out for the Nobel Peace Prize nominee, this April 24th’s Occupy the DOJ action, with a Bradley Manning contingent, is a great place to start. (Read more…)

RT continues its coverage of the unprecedented war on whistleblowers. With the new indictment of John Kiriakou, RT discusses, with attorney Stephen Kohn, the ways in which the Obama administration is cracking down on those exposing government misconduct:

Submit photos of support to iam.bradleymanning.org

I am a social worker from Norway who supports Bradley Manning. Bradley Manning should not be punished, but celebrated. He is a hero.

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