Updates: 4/24/11-4/26/11

On Sunday, Wikileaks began releasing the Guantanamo Files, for which Bradley Manning is alleged to be the source.  They describe the cases of the 758 detainees, including health reports and photos.  The Gitmo Files shed more insight into the operations of the prison.  The information regarding the kinds of evidence the CIA used to hold prisoners is particular cause for criticism.  Hundreds of people were captured on the basis of evidence that would not have held up in a court, and have since been released.

Since last Thursday, the White House has tried to claim that President Obama’s comments about Bradley breaking the law were merely theoretical.  Logan Price, the member of the Bradley Manning Support Network who interviewed Obama, responds:

“There is absolutely no doubt in my mind that we were speaking exclusively about Manning.  It was not a conversation based on hypothetical assertions, nor did the president say anything that qualified it as such.  Any witnesses to the conversation, and there were many, could affirm this.”

On Monday night, The Daily Show gave a shout-out to the protesters who attended Obama’s fundraiser last Thursday.  The important point is that Jon Stewart supports the message that the way Bradley Manning has been treated is an outrage, and The Daily Show has around 1.6 million viewers nightly.

Ex-Clinton spokesman PJ Crowley, who resigned in March after calling Bradley’s treatment “ridiculous and counterproductive and stupid” has accepted a professorial post at Penn State.  Maybe some students there can convince him to get involved with our campaign.

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