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Mannings imprisonment has resulted in an international outcry, with people throughout the world demanding his release and calling for transparency in Americas war policies. Famed Pentagon Papers whistleblower Daniel Ellsberg has called Manning, A new hero of mine. Act Locally! From the Bradley Manning Support Network: Work within your communities to organize events locally during the International Days of Support. If you arent involved with a local group, contact your local affiliate of HYPERLINK "http://www.veteransforpeace.org/"Veterans for Peace, HYPERLINK "http://ivaw.org/"Iraq Veterans Against the War or HYPERLINK "http://www.codepink4peace.org/"Code Pink, or look for activist groups in your area. The Bradley Manning Support Network, in conjunction with Courage To Resist, has already raised nearly $50,000 for the Bradley Manning defense fund. Over 9,000 people have signed up as followers of their Facebook page, SaveBradley. Many people are being activated for the very first time, and will be looking for leadership from Veterans For Peace and other established groups. This is an opportunity to reach new people with a powerful antiwar message, and also to recruit new members. VFP 92 will reach out to GIs at Fort Lewis Greater Seattle Veterans For Peace (VFP 92) is organizing a Bradley Manning support rally at Fort Lewis, Washington for Saturday, September 18. VFP members and friends from around the region will show up blowing whistles and carrying signs that say Blow the Whistle on War Crimes. We will be reaching out to the GIs, giving them goody bags with cookies, copies of Sir, No Sir!, and stickers that say Whistle While You Work, and give links to VFP and IVAW websites. We want the GIs to know it is their duty to expose war crimes, and that we will back them up when they do. VFP members can support Bradley Manning while reaching out to future GI whistleblowers. Gerry Condon, VFP 92 president and co-chair of VFPs GI Resistance Working Group Here are some other ideas from the Bradley Manning Support Network: Consider throwing a Whistleblower Party with whistles as party favors and a donation bucket for Bradley Mannings defense fund Work with a restaurant or club in your area for a fundraising event Host a lecture with a local college and sympathetic professors or anti-war activists to talk about the importance of transparency in government Organize a public screening of the HYPERLINK "http://www.collateralmurder.com"Collateral Murder video Anything that helps spread the word about Bradley Mannings wrongful imprisonment will help. If you act during the International Days of Action, your actions will be part of a global support effort. VETERANS FOR PEACE JOIN IN OR TAKE THE LEAD For more information, go to  HYPERLINK "http://www.BradleyManning.org" www.BradleyManning.org,  HYPERLINK "http://www.couragetoresist.org" www.couragetoresist.org or  HYPERLINK "http://www.vfp92.org" www.vfp92.org Send an email to Gerry Condon at  HYPERLINK "mailto:president@vfp92.org" president@vfp92.org or call him at 206-499-1220. 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