Update 2/10/12: Support Bradley’s Peace Prize nomination, protest recent pattern of whistle-blowers prosecuted

This week, The Oklahoma Center for Conscience and Peace Research (OCCPR) adds its name to the groups which have nominated Bradley Manning for the Nobel Peace Prize. (Last Saturday, an Icelandic Parliamentary group, known as “The Movement,” announced they had nominated Bradley for the award.)

“Because Bradley is an Oklahoma native, we feel a special responsibility to show that there are Oklahomans who support him, seek his freedom and will continue to work for his cause,” said Rena Guay OCCPR Executive Director. “We have spoken to media from around the world about our interest in the Manning case, because the whole world is watching what the United States will do to someone who they believe has exposed secrets about war crimes, diplomatic doublespeak and policy hypocrisy.”

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Firedoglake is asking everyone to voice their support for Bradley Manning’s Nobel Peace Prize nomination. “While the government can try and lock Bradley away for the rest of his life, they cannot suppress his story and what it means for other whistle-blowers. Fortunately, Bradley Manning’s nomination for the 2012 Nobel Peace Prize is an excellent opportunity to raise awareness for his case once more” they write. Sign your name to the letter that asks the Nobel committee to award Bradley Manning the Peace Prize. (Read more…)

The White House continues its attacks on whistle-blowers while ignoring abuses. The Obama adminstration is now famous for being the most secretive in history. While campaigning on promises of transparency, once in power Obama took an about face, and his administration has since been cracking down on whistle-blowers while refusing to prosecute war criminals. The latest crackdown is the prosecution of John Kiriakou who disclosed secrets about routine torture in Guantanamo prison. For leaking information of torture to the NYTimes, he is now being prosecuted under the Espionage act. Looking at this case and others, Peter Van Buren (himself a whistle-blower and critical of U.S. policies in Iraq), writes,

“By now, there can be little doubt that government retaliation against whistleblowers is not an isolated event, nor even an agency-by-agency practice. The number of cases in play suggests an organized strategy to deprive Americans of knowledge of the more disreputable things that their government does. How it plays out in court and elsewhere will significantly affect our democracy.”

Van Buren goes on to point out that Obama has charged more people under the espionage act then all previous presidents combined. And beyond heavy handed prosecutions, he also reports that often the government is using extra-legal means to silence whistle-blowers. It’s time to bring change. Pressure Obama to restore transparency, and to protect whistle-blowers, who even he admitted are necessary for a functioning democracy. Who else will watch the watchers? (Read more)

Are you a past or present Obama campaign supporter outraged by this trend of whistle-blower prosecution? Then you should check out our petition especially for Obama volunteers and supporters to voice their opinions. The petition is just the first step in our new strategy to target Obama’s 2012 campaign and pressure Obama to free Bradley. In the future, we’ll be looking for people who want to do actions outside Obama campaign offices, as well.

“You can’t spin the fact that more men are getting blown up every year” states Colonel Davis, in a NYTimes article on whistle-blowers and the Afghan war. Colonel Davis was one of the few soldiers who acknowledged the fact the war wasn’t going well, even when officials like General Patraeus were trying to sell the public on its success. Col. Davis is also the author of the essay “Truth, lies and Afghanistan: How military leaders have let us down.” He argues that military commanders have lied about the success of the war, and that when things go wrong “we do expect — and the men who do the living, fighting and dying deserve — to have our leaders tell us the truth about what’s going on.” A teacher of ethics at a military college, Martin L. Cook, argues however that because Davis has gone outside the normal channels, “he is taking his chances on what happens to him.” (Read more…)

10 thoughts on “Update 2/10/12: Support Bradley’s Peace Prize nomination, protest recent pattern of whistle-blowers prosecuted

  1. I would like to say something to all men and women in the military now.If Bradley Manning wanted to help the enemy he would have sent the locations of our troops,that would be all of you,directly to the enemy.He did not do this,he did not want any of you killed,you are his brothers and sisters.He did not help the enemy.He found out the U.S. had been committing war crimes and hiding the proof.Bradley Manning knew this had to come out.You have fought in other countries to take down governments that had been committing war crimes against their own people.It does not matter whose government it is,just that they to need to be taken down all the same.Our government has used you as puppets and turned you against your own family and friends.You have your own brain in your head,but the government doesn’t want you to use it,but I’m asking you to.You took a oath to protect this country and its people, not a corrupt government.The people need you now,your family and friends need you now, and your brother Bradley Manning needs you now.I ask you now to please stand up for Bradley Manning,and help get him set free,and I ask you to help the people get rid of the real enemy,the U.S. government.You know as well as I do we can vote a better government in.Prove to your family and friends and the rest of the united states,that your not corrupt like our government.

  2. The investigator has said that the files leaked did not match what was on his hard drive. Proof enough. Also, why is Sgt. Wuterich going free? INVOLUNTARY MANSLAUGHTER!!!???

  3. Martin L. Cook is a Fool , Obviously Over Educated in the Thought that a War is in the best interest of anyone and this one were in is anything but a Cluster Intercourse . He is criticizing a Col for stating it is a Grand Screw up . It amazes me these Professors of War come out in Support of anything for a Dollar in there pocket or to attempt to gain Atta-Boys at there age from some General or Politician , A Professor of a War College is an Oxymoron in most peoples attitude that a study of War is a Problem in itself. If there truly is a God maby He can stop these Fools Beceause were in up to our necks and Fools like this are still saying to Push on into the Deep Muddy ..

  4. Here is my e-mail to the Nobel Committee ([email protected]) in support of the nomination of Bradley Manning for the Nobel Peace Prize:

    Dear Madam or Sir,

    Bradley Manning is a prisoner of conscience. His only “crime” was to blow the whistle on war crimes being committed by the U.S. Military.

    Not only does he disserve the Nobel Peace Prize for his principled actions, but awarding the Peace Prize to him might actually save his life. It will be very difficult for the U.S. to execute him, or to imprison him for life (which the U.S. seems intent on doing), if he has the status of Nobel Laureate.

    Therefore, I strongly encourage you to award Bradley Manning the Nobel Peace Prize in 2012.


    Stephen A. Justino, Esq.
    Co-Chair, Colorado Move to Amend
    Centennial, Colorado, USA

  5. I thought Obama was a man of principle and conscience. I worked on his campaign. I got caught up in the wave of hope surrounding me. All around me believed his lofty promises: close guantanamo, honor whistleblowers. get out of Iraq. Without Bradley Manning’s assistance we would not be out of Iraq. The President should be giving Bradley the Presidential Medal of Freedom. He truly has done the most to bring democracy and freedom to this world. I will not be voting for the lesser of 2 evils this next election. I do pray the president finds his conscience and regains his soul for his own sake. I support Bradley’s Nobel Peace nomination. He is my hero of the century!

  6. Many people who bought the government’s accusations, do not know the truth or don’t want to accept that our government is corrupt to the core. I was an Obama supporter, but he is running a secret government and has destroyed the BILL OF RIGHTS. He has done great harm to the constitution, has deported more immigrants, has left Guantonamo to the military, gone against all international laws, sanctioned torture and asassinations. Now, he is rattling the saber at Iran. Manning is my hero and I will share info gleaned from this site.

  7. bradley is the cause for many people to speak up in very difficult situations. god will surely help his cause and the cause and voices of the oppressed and surpressed…

  8. Coruption in the Amerikan Govt. Is totaly Out of Controll and getting worse every year , There is no justice for the Citizens when it comes to speaking out demonstrating for change or atempting to fight them . There too In Bred into thinking there Right Or only protecting the Job they have Less they loose it …Like the Police rounding up the protesters , im sure a Few might think Hay’ there right …But Dont dare speak in there defense for fear of loosing there Job to the more Corrupt leaders in charge ..I wonder in Amazment how some of these Corrupt Filthey Rich Politicians and Law enforcement people got that way …It is Never ending and.. Well’ there will be lines to go ut and vote for them Im sure of it Like the Sheep folowing to slaughter , and the Politicians looking out the window smiling and grinning and counting on them to get there position to stomp on the ones voted

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