Update 3/23/12: CCR demands transparency in Manning trial, UCMJ hypocrisy, Manning speaking tour

Bradley supporters in London

Center for Constitutional Rights demands transparency in Bradley Manning’s court martial. Led by President Emeritus Michael Ratner, the CCR calls on military judge Denise Lind to provide “immediate public and press access to all documents, motions, briefs and information related to the proceedings.” The CCR’s open letter continues:

[To] date this court-martial reflects – and indeed compounds – the lack of openness experienced in Pfc. Manning’s prior Article 32 hearing. Documents and information filed in the case are not available to the public anywhere, nor has the public received appropriate prior notice of issues to be litigated in the case… Without access to these materials, the Manning hearings and trial cannot credibly be called open and public. We do not understand how a court-martial proceeding can be deemed to comply with the UCMJ or the Constitution unless its proceedings are accessible in a timely fashion.

The CCR represents Julian Assange, and Ratner has attended several of PFC Manning’s proceedings. (Read more…)

Emptywheel points out hypocrisy in unlawful command influence. While President Obama and Gen. Dempsey violate Article 37 of the UCMJ by declaring Bradley Manning guilty before he gets a trial, Generals and other military officials are sending John Henry Browne, who’s defending Afghan massacre suspect Robert Bales, letters of support. Marcy Wheeler remarks:

I would be shocked if any generals wrote David Coombs, Bradley Manning’s lawyer, to wish him luck in defending a tough, unpopular client. Yet both men–Manning and Bales–are alleged to have violated military discipline in ways that hurt our efforts.

To recap: Bales is accused of killing 16 civilians, 9 of them children, and burning their bodies – military officials send his lawyer words of encouragement. Manning is not accused of hurting anyone, instead accused of revealing secret war crimes to the public – his military superiors declare him guilty before a trial. (Read more…)

Free Bradley Manning tour spreads Midwest and throughout California. Continuing the tour that previously campaigned through the Pacific Northwest, Courage to Resist’s Jeff Paterson and Emma Cape are coming to the Midwest and various locations in California to discuss PFC Manning’s case and the efforts to free him. (Read more…)

Supporters in England rally for Bradley Manning. At the U.S. Embassy in London, Bradley Manning supporters held a vigil for the accused whistle-blower on March 16, during his motion hearing at Ft. Meade. An indication of Manning’s widespread international support, the vigil “included Australian, Canadian, English, Irish, Italian, Scottish, U.S. and Welsh supporters.” (Read more…)

"Bradley Manning is the true hero"


One thought on “Update 3/23/12: CCR demands transparency in Manning trial, UCMJ hypocrisy, Manning speaking tour

  1. Hoo Rah Simper Fi and all that Military CRAP’ And the Marines all stick together and BlaBla ..Well it was fast to Rat this Guy out as soon as he killed the civilians and came back into his band of buddies , They were all fast to point He did it ” Where was that Comaderee then ..
    Manning just tried to tell the truth behind the Militarys Atrocious covering up of what can be War Crimes and There all bannd together to Try and hide anything resembeling a true crime . This is the Truest example of Military Hypoctopsey in years .
    High Ranking Military Generals pulling the strings on there subordinates to get what they want
    It never ends , Blame 3rd world for there crimes and commit worse here in the land of the “In God We Trust” HaHa The only God most know is Money Greed and Power to controll…….Frank Blackstone

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