Update 5/30/12: Bradley and open government, two years in jail, and Bradley’s sacrifice

Icelandic MP Birgitta Jonsdottir

Birgitta Jónsdóttir calls Bradley Manning a “martyr for open government.” Jónsdóttir, a member of Icelandic Parliament, marks the 2-year anniversary of Bradley’s imprisonment without court martial by emphasizing the political significance of his case, and the implications for civil liberties to come.

It is of the utmost importance that we do not cave into the fear the US government is trying to impose against whistleblowers and WikiLeaks. The main lesson in this saga is that governments should be open, be accountable, and understand they are not to govern but to serve those who put their trust in them. The trial, Manning’s treatment, and the lack of accountability of those who have had their crimes exposed by the digital files Manning is accused of leaking, has put the US in the same global category as China, with its authoritarianism, secrecy and fear-mongering.

She writes that Bradley continues to be prosecuted in secret, despite President Obama’s unlawful command influence in declaring him guilty last year. (Read more…)

Democracy Now marks Bradley’s 2-year imprisonment anniversary amid Julian Assange extradition ruling. Democracy Now speaks with civil liberties advocate and civil rights lawyer Glenn Greenwald about the importance of Bradley Manning’s case. Watch the video here.

Bradley Manning, who saw wrong and tried to right it, also sacrificed for his country.” Writing for Death and Taxes, DJ Pangburn argues after Memorial Day that we should remember Bradley Manning’s sacrifice for America, for seeking to right the injustices he observed:

Right now Manning is on trial for espionage that would see him imprisoned for the rest of his life, all because he sought to tell the truth about the U.S. government’s military atrocities in Afghanistan and Iraq. Ellsberg, who also went to trial, eventually had all charges against him dropped, but Manning may not be so lucky. Indeed, Manning might have to sacrifice a life of liberty and happiness so that Americans might remember the real dimensions of truth after decades of lies from Republicans and Democrats alike.

Without Bradley’s alleged actions, we wouldn’t know essential facts about the U.S. wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, including basic elements such as civilian death tolls. (Read more…)


"I am a 12th generation American. Thank you, hero Bradley Manning. You did the right thing to reveal the war crimes being committed in my name. I pray every day for God to release this patriot in the name of truth, human rights, and the principles of the United States Constitution my ancestors fought and died for."

Bradley Manning photo campaign

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