Update 3/29/13: Conor Oberst supports Bradley, Priti Cox on jailing the messenger, DOJ still investigating WikiLeaks

Conor Oberst calls Bradley Manning an American hero. The musician behind Bright Eyes, playing with his punk band Desaparecidos, introduces his song “Anonymous” with praise for Bradley Manning:

Priti Gulati Cox condemns the Obama administration for jailing the messenger in its persecution of Bradley Manning. In an op-ed for Al Jazeera, Cox criticizes the military’s “aiding the enemy” charge against Manning:

I interpret the word “enemy” in his “aiding the enemy” charge to mean “truth”. If you ask the hundreds of thousands of surviving Iraqis and Afghanis facing a volatile and uncertain future, they are likely to look you in the eye and tell you that Bradley did aid the truth, by revealing it to the world. A banner at a recent rally held in support of Manning in Afghanistan read:


You see, truth has become a dirty word in the mainstream lexicon. Truth is the embarrassing enemy here. So, maybe it is no wonder that the government is being so secretive about one of the most, if not the most important criminal case in American military history, and is afraid of having anything said in that courtroom be made public.

Read the full piece here.

DOJ confirms that its investigation of WikiLeaks is still “ongoing.” Responding to a FOIA request to journalist Alexa O’Brien, a DOJ spokesman could not provide documents on the agency’s investigation of WikiLeaks because it remains active.

O’Brien’s story continues:

Many see an Obama administration’s recent strategy document re-framing WikiLeaks by associating the media organization with cyber-crime and intellectual property theft for the publication of “computer files provided by corporate insiders indicating allegedly illegal or unethical behavior at a Swiss bank, a Netherlands-based commodities company, and an international pharmaceutical trade association” as an attempt to bypass constitutional challenges to prosecuting publishers.

Read the rest of the article here.


One thought on “Update 3/29/13: Conor Oberst supports Bradley, Priti Cox on jailing the messenger, DOJ still investigating WikiLeaks

  1. This video was posted here on March 29th, 2013
    As of writing this, there are no comments on the video and no likes.
    This causes me to believe that most Bradley Manning supporters are old-school folks who don’t fully understand how activism works in the year 2013.

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